Table 4.
Bivariate Longitudinal Analyses of Religiousness Predictors and Willingness to Accept Risk Associated With Potentially Life-Sustaining Treatmenta
Low-Burden Treatment |
High-Burden Treatment |
Predictor Variable | Odds Ratio | 95% CI | p Value | Odds Ratio | 95% CI | p Value |
Religious attendance (once a month or more vs. less frequently) | 1.35 | 0.78, 2.34 | .28 | 1.79 | 1.03, 3.10 | .04 |
Religious identity (deeply religious vs. less religious) | 0.75 | 0.46, 1.21 | .24 | 0.68 | 0.42, 110 | .12 |
Religious comfort (a great deal vs. little or none) | 1.22 | 0.78, 1.90 | .39 | 0.93 | 0.60, 1.46 | .77 |
Grown closer to god (yes vs. no) | 1.78 | 1.18, 2.69 | .01 | 1.32 | 0.87, 2.01 | .19 |
Grown spiritually (yes vs. no) | 1.50 | 0.98, 2.28 | .06 | 1.14 | 0.75, 1.74 | .53 |
These are longitudinal continuation ratio models with random intercepts including only structural covariates specific to continuation ratio models and months of follow-up variable characteristic of longitudinal models.