Table 1.
Significance analysis of microarray (SAM) identifying GALM gene as regulated by retinoic acid in THP-1 cellsa
Array experiment numberb | False discovery rate (FDR) | SAM Delta value | # genes identified | Affymetrix Feature ID | d.valuec | q.valuec |
Expt. 1 | 0.0001 | 29.7 | 60 | 234974_at | 43.3197 | 0.0000429 |
Expt. 1 | 0.0012 | 16.7 | 147 | 235256_s_at | 27.0897 | 0.0005073 |
Expt. 2 | 0.0024 | 18.1 | 10 | 235256_s_at | 44.8792 | 0.0001182 |
Expt. 2 | 0.0024 | 18.1 | 10 | 234974_at | 32.7839 | 0.0017131 |
GALM, Entrez Gene number 130589.
Data designated Expt 1 included 21 arrays from a 2 × 2 design which included: control (n = 6), RA alone (n = 5), TNFα alone (n = 5) and RA and TNFα combined (n = 5). Data designated Expt 2 included 17 arrays from a time course: t=0 (n = 6), and treatment with 20 nM RA for 2h (n = 2), 6 h (n = 2), 10 h (n = 3), 16 h (n = 2) and 40 h (n = 2) (see Materials and Methods for culture conditions).
For SAM (20) [also see], the d value is an F-like statistic that represents the normalized distance between group means; the q value represents the lowest FDR for this gene.