A similar motif functions in AR. AR contains an FQNLF motif similar
to that of Htt. This motif was mutated by alanine substitution to AQNAA (3A)
in ARN127YFP and full-length AR-YFP proteins. These proteins were transiently
transfected in HeLa cells, followed by Western blot or direct fluorescence
imaging. A, the 3A mutation increases the steady state of both
ARN127YFP and AR-YFP. B, 6 h of treatment of cells expressing
ARN127YFP with 10 μm proteasome inhibitors (MG132, ALLN, and
lactacystin) versus vehicle control (dimethyl sulfoxide
(DMSO)) increases the steady state levels of wt protein but not the
3A mutant. Lactacystin (lact) titration also affects the steady state
levels of wt ARN127YFP protein but not the 3A mutant. C, full-length
AR-YFP localizes to the nucleus and to cytoplasm puncta in the presence of 10
nm DHT. The DHT-induced AR puncta have various appearances depicted
in three panels: small versus large, single versus multiple.
AR(3A)-YFP never localizes to these puncta and is localized exclusively in the
cell nucleus after DHT treatment. All of the gels are representative of at
least three experiments. norm, normalized band intensity/actin.
Scale bars, 10 μm.