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. 2007 Mar 23;2(3):104–111. doi: 10.1007/s11552-007-9030-x

Table 1.

Patient characteristics and influence on PRWE.

Characteristic Number of Patients (%) Mean 1-year PRWE p Value
Male 49 (22.1) 14.91 0.45
Female 173 (77.9) 17.76
Dominant hand involved
Dominant hand involved 110 (49.5%) 15.81 0.36
Non-dominant hand 112 (50.5%) 18.62
Third-party compensation
Claim or pending claim 20 (9.0%) 35.48 0.006
No associated claim 202 (91.0%) 14.97
Premenopausal 54 (24.3) 16.33 0.48
Postmenopausal 100 (45) 19.18
Missing 19 (8.6)
Medical comorbidities n = 195
 Yes 17 (8.7) 24.83 0.20
 No 178 (91.3) 17.23
 Yes 41 (21.0) 24.27 0.051
 No 154 (79.0) 16.21
 Yes 10 (5.1) 16.49 0.83
 No 185 (94.9) 18.02
 Yes 72 (36.9) 19.86 0.38
 No 123 (63.1) 16.79
>3 medical comorbidities
 Yes 14 (7.2) 25.79 0.19
 No 181 (92.8) 17.31
Smoking history n = 207
Smokers 32 (14.4) 25.16 0.052
Ex-smokers 48 (21.6) 12.29
Never smoked 127 (57.2) 17.38
Education n = 205
Not finished high school 44 (21.5) 22.71 0.016
Finished high school 76 (37.0) 20.11
Completed postsecondary training 85 (41.5) 12.12
Occupational demand n = 193
Low 96 (43.2) 17.01 0.94
Moderate 23 (10.4) 15.04
High 19 (8.6) 18.47