GFP-BD interaction with acetylated mCherry-H4 in the nucleus of HEK293 live cells using a single-photon counting method. (A) Steady-state intensity image of GFP-BD expressed alone in HEK293 cell (green). The corresponding GFP-BD fluorescence decay (green curve) extracted from the whole nucleus is fitted by a single exponential (black line, τD = 2.59 ns) and the residues are presented (blue curve). (B) Steady-state intensity images of GFP-BD (green) and mCherry-H4 (red) coexpressed in HEK293 cells. The corresponding GFP-BD fluorescence decay (green curve) extracted from the whole nucleus is fitted by a single- (τ = 2.46 ns) and a biexponential model (τD = 2.59 ns fixed and τF = 0.65 ns) and residues are presented (blue curve and red curve, respectively). Note that the fluorescence decay is better fitted with a biexponential model as shown by residues. Scale bar = 2 μm.