Fig. 4.
Expressions of growth factors in tumor stromal tissues in CGRP-knockout mice. (A) VEGF dependence in LLC tumor growth used in the present work. Daily administration of the VEGF receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor ZD6474 for 2 weeks suppressed the growth of LLC tumors. Results were compared with vehicle-treated mice and are mean ± SEM from 6∼10 animals. Student's t test was used. **, P < 0.05. (B) VEGF dependence in angiogenesis in LLC tumors. Daily administration of ZD6474 for 2 weeks suppressed angiogenesis. Results were compared with vehicle-treated mice and are mean ± SEM from 6∼10 animals. Student's t test was used. **, P < 0.05. (C) Reduced expressions of VEGF in tumor stromal tissues in CGRP-knockout mice 2 weeks after LLC implantation. Real-time PCR was performed as described in Materials and Methods. Results were compared with WT mice and are mean ± SEM from 7∼9 animals. Student's t test was used. **, P < 0.05. (D) Expression of bFGF in tumor stromal tissues. Experimental conditions were the same as those in C. NS, not significant. (E) Expression of CTGF in tumor stromal tissues. Experimental conditions were the same as those in C. (F) Expression of TGF-β in tumor stromal tissues. Experimental conditions were the same as those in C. (G) Immunohistochemical localization of VEGF in tumor tissues including stroma. The samples were isolated from CGRP−/− and their WT counterparts.