A. Maximum shortening velocity at zero load (Vo) in tracheal strips from different age guinea pigs. In strips from 1wk and 3wks guinea pig Vo was 3 to 5-fold greater compared to adult animals (*P<0.05 by ANOVA and PLSD Fisher's test). B. Force-Velocity curves calculated as average of single curves obtained by fitting experimental data with a modification of the Hill's equation for ASM. C. Maximum power in tracheal strips from different age guinea pigs. Po is the maximum stress generated by EFS, lo is length. Maximum power in 3wks strips was 2 to 3-fold greater than in strips from 1wk and adult guinea pigs (P<0.01 by ANOVA, *P<0.05 by PLSD Fisher's test). Means and standard errors are shown, n=7, n=5, and n=15 for 1wk, 3wks, and adult animals, respectively. The following are the 95% confidence intervals for 1wk, 3wks, and adult animals, respectively. Vo (panel A): 0.159−3.429, −0.104−4.994, 0.363−0.743; PV (panel C): 0.035−0.134, 0.201−0.341, 0.039−0.067 (from Chitano et al. 2000a, with permission).