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. 2008 Sep 11;3(9):e3182. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0003182

Table 1. Demographic and socio-economic characteristics of households and household heads participating in the baseline and follow-up surveys.

Baseline (2/2006) Follow-up (2/2007)
A B p (A vs. B) A B p (A vs. B)
General characteristics
No of HH 480 572 480 570
Median no of rooms (range) 3 (1–28) 3 (1–29) n.s. 3 (1–19) 3 (1–23) n.s.
No HH with electricity (%) 2 (0.4) 23 (4.0) <0.001 4 (0.8) 31 (5.4) <0.001
No HH with water pipes (%) 0 (0) 3 (0.5) n.s. 1 (0.2) 0 (0) n.s.
No of inhabitants (mean/HH) 4426 (9.2) 5539 (9.7) n.s. 4103 (8.5) 5027 (8.8) n.s.
No of children<5 ys (%) 830 (18) 1048 (19) n.s. 771 (19) 979 (19) n.s.
No of pregnant women (%) 72 (1.6) 100 (1.8) n.s. 107 (2.6) 105 (2.1) n.s.
Head of HH characteristics
Male (%) 456 (95) 546 (95) n.s. 447 (93) 541 (95) n.s.
Ethnicity (%)
Bwaba 246 (51) 193 (34) <0.001 250 (52) 200 (35) <0.001
Marka 132 (28) 170 (30) n.s. 139 (29) 180 (32) n.s.
Mossi 51 (11) 40 (7) 0.047 46 (10) 32 (6) 0.018
Peulh 36 (8) 66 (12) 0.028 37 (8) 68 (12) 0.023
Samo 7 (1) 42 (7) <0.001 7 (1) 44 (8) <0.001
Other 7 (1) 61 (11) <0.001 1 (0.2) 46 (8) <0.001
Religion (%)
Muslim 195 (41) 332 (58) <0.001 194 (40) 339 (59) <0.001
Catholic 149 (31) 149 (26) n.s. 151 (31) 144 (25) 0.028
Protestant 59 (12) 28 (5) <0.001 57 (12) 32 (6) <0.001
Animist 73 (15) 62 (11) 0.041 77 (16) 55 (10) 0.002
Other 1 (0.2) 1 (0.2) n.s. 1 (0.2) 0 n.s.
Literacy (%)
Formal school 61 (13) 84 (15) n.s. 70 (15) 94 (16) n.s.
Koran school 47 (10) 84 (15) 0.019 32 (7) 70 (12) 0.002
Alphabetic course 47 (10) 40 (7) n.s. 86 (18) 47 (8) <0.001
Marital status (%)
Single 8 (2) 3 (1) n.s. 1 (0.2) 5 (1) n.s.
Monogamous marriage 313 (65) 388 (68) n.s. 302 (63) 382 (67) n.s.
Polygamous marriage 125 (26) 142 (25) n.s. 136 (28) 143 (25) n.s.
Divorced 10 (2) 3 (1) 0.026 4 (1) 7 (1) n.s.
Widowed 24 (5) 36 (6) n.s. 37 (8) 33 (6) n.s.

HH = household; No = number; ITN = insecticide-treated bed net; A = intervention A (social marketing program of ITNs+free distribution of ITNs to pregnant women in health centres); B = intervention B (social marketing program of ITNs); information on ethnicity and religion was missing in a few cases; n.s. = non significant (p<0.05).