Fluorescence intensity of DCF, the product of H2DCF oxidation, with the excitation at 502 nm and emission at 522 nm is shown. Cyt c (1.25 μM), liposomes (125 μM, DOPC/CL 1:1 ratio), H2DCF 4 μM, H2O2 50 μM, spectra obtained 30 min after addition H2O2. First set of bars: cyt c was incubated for 15 min with CL/DOPC liposomes in 25 mM HEPES with 100 μM DTPA. Second set of bars: same plus 1 M KCl. Third set of bars: 1 M KCl was added after 15 min incubation of cyt c and CL/DOPC liposomes in 25 mM HEPES).