Table 1.
Conformational analysis of gymnocin-B-bisTPPcinnamate 14.a
conformation | ΔG (Kcal/mol)b | orientation of 10-TPPcin | orientation of 37-TPPcin | τ12 (deg)c and predicted interporphyrin twist |
1 | 0 | ax | eq | 29 (+) |
2 | 1.35 | ax | eq | 33 (+) |
3 | 1.72 | ax | ax | −9 (−) |
4 | 2.21 | ax | eq | 35 (+) |
5 | 2.59 | ax | eq | 76 (+) |
6 | 3.34 | ax | ax | 12 (+) |
7 | 3.96 | ax | eq | 35 (+) |
8 | 4.10 | ax | eq | 81 (+) |
9 | 4.12 | ax | eq | 109 (+) |
10 | 4.12 | ax | eq | 34 (+) |
11 | 4.25 | ax | eq | 31 (+) |
12 | 4.82 | ax | eq | 95 (+) |
13 | 4.98 | ax | eq | 33 (+) |
14 | 5.93 | ax | eq | 48 (+) |
15 | 6.24 | ax | eq | 66 (+) |
16 | 6.42 | ax | eq | 16 (+) |
Conformational analysis was performed by molecular mechanics calculations using the MMFF94s force field with Monte Carlo conformational search by Spartan02 package.
Relative free energy: Boltzman-weighted population at 298 K consists of 1 (86 %), 2 (9 %), and 3 (5 %) conformation, respectively.
Projection angle between 5−15 directions of porphyrins (see Figure 4).