Fig. 3.
Expression and function of new mesendoderm genes. (A–H) Whole mount in situ hybridizations (WISH) on late-blastula-stage (5 hpf) embryos, validating the mesendoderm-specific expression of eight mesendoderm precursor-enriched genes, as indicated. Animal pole views are shown, and C–F have their dorsal sides to the right (black arrows), as confirmed by double stains with the chordin gene (data not shown). (I–K) Embryos injected with a control morpholino (Ctrl MO), Dusp4 morpholino (Dusp4 MO), or a rescuing combination of Dusp4MO and dusp4 mRNA, shown at the pharyngula stage (28 hpf). (L–O) WISH on late-gastrula-stage (80% epiboly) control and Dusp4 MO-injected embryos, visualizing expression of the endoderm markers sox17 (L and M, dorsal views) and foxa2 (N and O, lateral views). Black arrowheads indicate sample endoderm cells, and open arrows point to stained dorsal forerunner cells. (P–S) WISH on 18 somite-stage control (P), pharyngula-stage (26 hpf) Dusp4 MO-injected (Q), and pharyngula-stage (30 hpf) control and morphant (R and S) embryos, visualizing foxa2 (P and Q) and insulin (R and S). Embryos in P and Q were stage matched rather than time matched to account for developmental delays of morphants. Black arrows in P and Q point to posterior endoderm, including foregut region. Black arrows and magnifications in R and S highlight pancreatic stains.