(A) Percentage of dead GFP+ infected cells at 72 h postinfection in untreated cultures (U) or cultures treated with 11, 33, or 100 µM TLCK from 30 h postinfection with ΔUL37x1 (MOI of 0.001). A total of 300 cells/foci were evaluated at each condition. (B) Virus yield at 120 h postinfection from cell cultures left untreated (U) or treated with 11, 33, or 100 µM TLCK from 30 h postinfection with ΔUL37x1 or Towne-BAC (MOI of 0.001). (C) Percentage of fragmented GFP+ cells at 72, 96, or 120 h postinfection with ΔUL37x1 (MOI of 0.005) in control cultures or cultures treated with 33 µM TLCK from 30 h postinfection. A total of 1450 cells/foci were evaluated at each condition. (D) Absolute numbers of live or dead GFP+ cells at 96 h postinfection with ΔUL37x1 (MOI of 0.001) in untreated cultures or cultures treated with 33 µM TLCK from 30 h postinfection. (E) Percentage of dead GFP+ cells at 96 h postinfection with ΔUL37x1 (MOI of 0.005) in untreated cultures or cultures treated with 33 µM TLCK, 25 µM zVAD.fmk, or 0.05% DMSO, added from 30 h postinfection. A total of 300 cells/foci were evaluated at each condition. (F) Percentage of live cells at 48 h postinfection with AD169varATCC (MOI of 3) following treatment with anti-Fas antibody to induce apoptosis in control cultures or cultures treated with 6, 12, or 25 µM zVAD.fmk, added at 24 h postinfection.