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. 2008 Aug 29;5(5):248–262. doi: 10.7150/ijms.5.248

Table 1.

Clinical studies of circulating adiponectin levels

Subjects Major findings References
Obese subjects Decreased in obese subjects Hu et al., (1996) 21
Arita et al., (1999) 15
Patients with CVD Decreased in patients with CVD Ouchi et al., (1999) 37
Nondiabetic and T2DM subjects Decreased in T2DM patients Hotta et al., (2000) 28
Obese subjects Increased after weight loss Yang et al., (2001) 23
Caucasians and Pima Indians Associated with IR Weyer et al., (2001) 153
Pima Indian Low plasma concentration precedes a decrease in insulin sensitivity Stefan et al., (2002) 29
Pima Indian Decreased in T2DM patients Lindsay et al., (2002) 30
Pima Indian children An inverse relationship to adiposity Stefan et al., (2002) 154
Nondiabetic Japanese women Negative correlation with serum triglyceride Matsubara et al., (2002) 155
Obese subjects Increased after weight loss Bruun et al., (2003) 24
Middle-aged population Associated with intra-abdominal fat Cnop et al., (2003) 25
Nondiabetic white volunteers Positive correlation with HDL-cholesterol Tschritter et al., (2003) 31
Hypertensive patients Correlation with vasodilator response Ouchi et al., (2003) 34
Japanese men Decreased in patients with CVD Kumada et al., (2003) 38
Japanese subjects Connected with endothelial dysfunction Shimabukuro et al., (2003) 156
Japanese subjects Decreased in patients with T2DM Daimon et al., (2003) 157
Apparently healthy individuals Associated with the risk of T2DM Spranger et al., (2003) 158
Asian Indians with IGT Low adiponectin was a strong predictor of T2DM Snehalatha et al., (2003) 159
Nonobese and obese subjects Correlation with advantageous lipid profile Baratta et al., (2004) 32
Japanese men Decreased in hypertensive men Iwashima et al., (2004) 33
Male participants High adiponectin was associated with lower risk of myocardial infarction Pischon et al., (2004) 39
Whites and African Americans Higher adiponectin was associated with a lower incidence of T2DM Duncan et al., (2004) 160
Patients with CVD Decreased in patients with CVD Nakamura et al., (2004) 161
Pregnant women Decreased in patients with gestational DM Ranheim et al., (2004) 162
Nondiabetic subjects Obesity-independent association of IR with adiponectin levels Abbasi et al., (2004) 163
Obese individuals Decreased in subjects with MS Xydakis et al., (2004) 164
Healthy premenopausal women Associated with visceral fat mass Kwon et al., (2005) 26
Obese juveniles An inverse relation with the intima media thickness of common carotid arteries Pilz et al., (2005) 40
Patients with chronic heart failure High adiponectin was a predictor of mortality Kistorp et al., (2005) 42
British women No association with CVD risk Lawlor et al., (2005) 43
American Indian No association with later development of CVD Lindsay et al., (2005) 44
Hispanic children Inversely associated with IR Butte et al., (2005) 52
Patients with CVD Decreased in patients with CVD Rothenbacher et al., (2005) 165
Middle-aged men Positive association with lower fat mass Buemann et al., (2005) 166
Obese children Low adiponectin was associated with components of MS Winer et al., (2006) 36
Older Black Americans High adiponectin was associated with higher risk of CVD Kanaya et al., (2006) 45
Patients with CVD High adiponectin was a predictor of mortality Cavusoglu et al., (2006) 46
Patients with CVD High adiponectin was a predictor of mortality Pilz et al., (2006) 50
Pregnant women Elevated with preeclampsia Haugen et al., (2006) 59
Patients with congestive heart failure Positive correlation with disease severity George et al., (2006) 167
Caucasian High adiponectin increased the risk of death from all causes Laughlin et al., (2007) 48
Aged men High adiponectin increased the risk of death from all causes Wannamethee et al., (2007) 49
Patients with incident CVD No association with the prognostic outcome von Eynatten et al., (2008) 41
General Dutch population High levels of adiponectin predict mortality Dekker et al., (2008) 51