Figure 3.
Visualization of interactions between transcription factors of GA signaling in aleurone cells by BiFC. A, Barley half-seeds were bombarded with either UBI-GFP (I and II) or UBI-GFP:HvWRKY38 (III and IV). After incubation for 24 h, the aleurone cells were stained with SYTO17 to localize nuclei (II and IV), followed by examination of GFP fluorescence (I and III). Arrows point to the same cell. Bars = 20 μm. B, Barley aleurone cells were bombarded with UBI-YFP, UBI-YFP:HvWRKY38, or a combination of constructs encoding the indicated fusion proteins. YN is the fragment containing amino acid residues 1 to 154 of YFP, and YC is the fragment containing amino acid residues 155 to 238 of YFP. After incubation at 24°C for 24 h, yellow fluorescence was observed through a confocal microscope.