The late-flowering phenotype of atprmt4a atprmt4b is FLC dependent. A, Flowering time of wild-type Col-0 and atprmt4 mutants was assessed by total leaf number after plants stopped producing new leaves under different conditions or treatments. Vernalization (Ver) treatment indicates plants grown at 4°C under SD (8 h of light/16 h of dark) conditions for 10 weeks before transfer to 23°C under LD. SD+GA indicates that 100 μm GA was sprayed once per week on the plants until flowering under SD conditions. Under SD, atprmt4a atprmt4b plants did not flower even after producing 100 leaves, and the assessment was terminated at this point. Error bars represent sd. B, Flowering time of atprmt4a atprmt4b flc-3 triple mutants was measured by total leaf numbers when the plants stopped producing new leaves. The plants were grown at 23°C under LD. Error bars represent sd. C, Transcription levels of FLC and SOC1 in Col-0 and atprmt4 mutants. Total RNAs extracted from young seedlings of Col-0 and mutants with four to five rosette leaves were analyzed by RNA-blot analysis. Actin2/7 was used as a control for constitutive expression. D, Transcription levels of MAF genes in atprmt4a atprmt4b. Real-time PCR analysis of the expression of MAF genes in seedlings with four to five rosette leaves of wild-type Col-0 and mutant plants. Error bars represent sd. Actin2/7 was used as a control for constitutive expression. atprmt4a/4b indicates atprmt4a atprmt4b. [See online article for color version of this figure.]