Figure 8.
Changes in phosphorylation level of PPDK upon illumination from leaves of M. × giganteus (MG) and maize (ZM) grown continuously at 25°C (25) or grown at 25°C and then at 14°C (14) for 14 d. The leaf samples were collected as described in Figure 7. The phospho-PPDK was probed with an affinity-purified rabbit polyclonal antibodies raised against a synthetic phosphopeptide conjugate corresponding to the Thr-phosphorylation domain of maize C4 PPDK. A representative immunoblot is shown (A). The band density shown in Figure 8A was quantified by densitometry (Odyssey V1.2 application software). The changes in phosphorylation level of PPDK at illumination times were expressed as percentage of that from dark-adapted leaves at time 0 (B).