Fig. 2.
Assembly of dual-expression cassettes by ZFNs. (A) Schemes of pSAT10-YFP-CHS and pSAT11-DsRed2-P. Sequences of ZFN10 and ZFN11 recognition sites are in purple, and the predicted cleavage sites in each sequence are indicated by arrowheads. (B) Scheme of the pRCS11 acceptor plasmid. Sequences of ZFN10 and ZFN11 recognition sites in the plasmid's MCS are in blue. (C) Detection of YFP-CHS and DsRed2-P expression from pRCS11[YFP-CHS][ DsRed2-P]-bombarded plant cells in the presence (+N) or absence (-N) of the N protein of SYNV. Expression of YFP-CHS, DsRed-P, and chloroplast autofluorescence is shown in yellow, blue, and red, respectively. The images are projections of several confocal sections. (D) Sequence analysis of the ZFN10 and ZFN11 ligation sites in pRCS11[YFP-CHS][DsRed2-P]. ZFN10 and ZFN11 sequences derived from the acceptor plasmid pRCS11 are in blue, and those derived from the inserted expression cassettes are in purple.