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. 2008 Aug 6;59(12):3485–3499. doi: 10.1093/jxb/ern201

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Expression of AtSCP2 in A. thaliana tissues. The data are collected from the microarray experiment AtGenExpress: Expression Atlas of A. thaliana (Schmid et al., 2005) obtained from The investigated tissue samples are from roots (RO) (samples 1–7), stems (ST) (samples 8–10), leaves (LE) (samples 11–25), whole plants (WP) (samples 26–36), shoot apex (SA) (samples 37–40), floral organs (FL) (samples 41–55), and seeds (samples 56–63) of A. thaliana Col-0. Samples referred to in the text (4, 5, 27, 28, 50, 51, and 63) are indicated with sample numbers. Samples 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 are indicated with arrows to simplify for the reader. Plants were grown on soil, unless growth substrate is indicated. (1) Root, 7 d, (2) Root, 17 d, (3) Root, 1×MS agar, 1% sucrose, 15 d, (4) Root, 8 d, 1×MS, (5) Root, 8 d, 1×MS agar, 1% sucrose, (6) Root, 1× MS agar, 21 d, (7) Root, 1×MS agar, 1% sucrose, 21 d, (8) Hypocotyl, 7 d, (9) 1st node, 21+ d, (10) 2nd internode, 21+ d, (11) Cotyledons, 7 d, (12) Leaves no. 1+2, 7 d, (13) Rosette leaf no. 4, 10 d, (14) Rosette leaf no. 2, 17 d, (15) Rosette leaf no. 4, 17 d, (16) Rosette leaf no. 6, 17 d, (17) Rosette leaf no. 8, 17 d, (18) Rosette leaf no. 10, 17 d, (19) Rosette leaf no. 12, 17 d, (20) Petiole leaf no. 7, 17 d, (21) Proximal half leaf no. 7, 17 d, (22) Distal half leaf no. 7, 17 d, (23) Leaf, 1× MS agar, 1% sucrose, 15 d, (24) Senescing leaves, 35 d, (25) Cauline leaves, 21+ d, (26) Seedling, green parts, 7 d, (27) Seedling, green parts, 1× MS agar, 8 d, (28) Seedling, green parts, 1× MS agar, 1% sucrose, 8 d, (29) Seedling, green parts, 1× MS agar, 21 d, (30) Seedling, green parts, 1× MS agar, 1% sucrose, 21 d, (31) Rosette after transition to flowering, but before bolting, 21 d, (32) Rosette after transition to flowering, but before bolting, 22 d, (33) Rosette after transition to flowering, but before bolting 23 d, (34) Vegetative rosette, 7 d, (35) Vegetative rosette, 14 d, (36) Vegetative rosette, 21 d, (37) Shoot apex, vegetative+young leaves, 7 d, (38) Shoot apex, vegetative, 7 d, (39) Shoot apex, transition (before bolting), 14 d, (40) Shoot apex, inflorescence (after bolting), 21 d, (41) Flower, stage 9, (42) Flower, stage 10–11, (43) Flower, stage 12, (44) Flower, stage 15, (45) Flower, 28 d, (46) Pedicel, stage 15, (47) Sepal, stage 12, (48) Sepal, stage 15, (49) Petal, stage 12, (50) Petal, stage 15, (51) Stamen, stage 12, (52) Stamen, stage 15, (53) Pollen, 6 weeks, (54) Carpel, stage 12, (55) Carpel, stage 15, (56) Siliques, with seeds stage 3; mid-globular to early heart embryos globular embryo, (57) Siliques, with seeds stage 4; early to late heart embryos, (58) Siliques, with seeds stage 5; late heart to mid-torpedo embryos triangle embryo, (59) Seeds, stage 6, w/o siliques; mid to late torpedo embryos torpedo embryo, (60) Seeds, stage 7, w/o siliques; late torpedo to early walking-stick embryos walking stick seed, (61) Seeds, stage 8, w/o siliques; walking-stick to early curled cotyledons embryos, (62) Seeds, stage 9, w/o siliques; curled cotyledons to early green cotyledons embryos, (63) Seeds, stage 10, w/o siliques; green cotyledons embryos.