Immunoelectron microscopy analysis of the colocalization of IL-1β and CD (A–C, E, and F) and of IL1β and Lamp-1 (D and G) in P1 fraction. Double immunolabeling with anti-IL-1β (10-nm gold particles) and anti-CD (18-nm gold particles) antibodies reveals the presence of both molecules in organelles (>200 nm in diameter), which display the typical morphology of late endosomes and early lysosomes (A, arrow) or more dense, mature lysosomes (B, arrow). These organelles appear double immunolabeled also for IL-1β (10-nm gold particles) and Lamp-1 (18-nm gold particles) (D, arrow). Mature lysosomes showing positive staining for IL-1β alone are also found (C, arrow). Dense vesicles, <200 nm in diameter, appear either positively immunolabeled for IL-1β only (E, arrowheads), for both IL-1β and CD (F, arrowhead), or for both IL-1β and Lamp-1 (G, arrowhead). Bars, 200 nm.