Figure 3. Non-mutated and imatinib-resistant BCR/ABL kinase mutants stimulate SSA in a dose-dependent manner.
(A) Similar high levels of non-mutated (nm), Y253F, E255K, T315I and H396P BCR/ABL kinase proteins, and (B) low (L) and high (H) levels of nm, Y253F, and E255K BCR/ABL kinase proteins were expressed in parental cells (P) containing the SA-GFP reporter cassette (lower panels). Cells were transfected with I-SceI and Red1-Mito and maintained in the presence of IL-3. SSA activity was determined as the number of GFP+/Red1+ cells in 105 Red1+ cells (upper panels). * p<10−7 in comparison to other groups, ** p<10−2, <10−4, and <10−3 in comparison to L groups of nm, Y253F, and E255K, respectively; and *** p=0.02, 0.006, and 0.02 in comparison to corresponding H groups.