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. 2008 Jul 29;9:13. doi: 10.1186/1472-6939-9-13

Table 3.

Socio-demographic and educational variables of the study participants stratified by perceived knowledge of medication error definition (N = 212).

Characteristic Knowledge of Medication Errors

No (n = 47) Yes (n = 165) p-value
Age, mean ± SD, in years 43 ± 17 31 ± 11 <0.001
Age category, n (%)
 15–24 years 5 (11%) 47 (28%) <0.001
 25–34 years 10 (21%) 67 (41%)
 35–44 years 11 (23%) 27 (16%)
 >44 years 21 (45%) 24 (15%)
Gender, n (%)
 Female 18 (38%) 82 (50%) 0.167
 Male 29 (62%) 83 (50%)
Educational Level, n (%)
 Illiterate 17 (36%) 18 (11%) <0.001
 Reads & writes/preparatory 27 (57%) 120 (72%)
 Secondary and above 3 (6%) 27 (16%)
Marital Status, married, n (%) 40 (85%) 108 (65%) 0.010
Family Income, n (%), in OR
 <200 23 (49%) 43 (26%) 0.004
 200 – 500 20 (43% 82 (50%)
 >500 4 (9%) 40 (24%)
Usual Source of Healthcare, n (%)
 Local Health Center 33 (70%) 108 (65%) 0.272
 Local Hospital 6 (13%) 20 (12%)
 Private Hospital 7 (15%) 37 (22%)
 Others (e.g. Traditional Healer) 1 (2%) 0 (0%)
Frequency of Healthcare Use, n (%)
 1–5 2 (4.3%) 13 (7.9%) 0.787
 6–10 21 (45%) 72 (44%)
 >10 24 (51%) 80 (48%)
History of Chronic Disease, n (%) 22 (47%) 75 (45%) 0.869
Seeing a Doctor Regularly, n (%) 26 (55%) 98 (59%) 0.617

SD = Standard deviation; Percents are column percents; OR = Omani Rials; Differences between groups were analyzed using Student's t-test, Pearson's χ2 test, and Fisher's Exact test whenever appropriate.