Construction and expression of pIgR-GpA
chimeras. (a) A schematic representation of the pIgR-WT, pIgR-GpA,
pIgR-GpA-G83A, and pIgR-GpA-G83A/G79L. A unique restriction site was
engineered into the pIgR at the 3′-end of the pIgR TMD.
Oligonucleotides for the wild-type human glycophorin A TMD were
generated with overhangs corresponding to the restriction sites
ScaI and AscI. The mutations in the
glycophorin TMD were created by PCR mutagenesis. Due to the
5′-restriction site, the first amino acid, Val, of the pIgR TMD was
retained. The remaining amino acids correspond to the GpA TMD.
Substitution of Val for Ile had no effect on the dimerization of GpA
(Lemmon et al., 1992a). For the chimeric constructs,
underlined amino acids represent those residues mutated. For the
wild-type pIgR, the underlined residues are those corresponding to the
dimerization motif described by Sternberg and Gullick (1990). (b)
Detection of dimeric receptor by SDS-PAGE. MDCK cells transfected with
pIgR-WT (lane 1), pIgR-GpA (lane 2), pIgR-GpA G83A (lane 3), and
pIgR-GpA G83A/G79L (lane 4) constructs. Immunoprecipitates were
analyzed by SDS-PAGE/Western blot (SC166 mouse monoclonal against pIgR
cytoplasmic domain); 30 sec exposure by ECL. The inset represents the
higher molecular weight dimer band at a longer exposure of the same
gel. (c) Pellets of cells expressing pIgR-GpA (lane 5) or pIgR-WT (lane
6) were lysed with hot 3% SDS, boiled for 5 min, and then diluted
10-fold with 10 mM Tris, pH 7.5, 100 mM NaCl, 5 mM EDTA, and 1% Triton
X-100, before immunoprecipitation with sheep anti-SC conjugated to
protein G and analyzed by SDS-PAGE minus DTT. (d) Pellets of cells
expressing pIgR-GpA (lane 7) or pIgR-WT (lane 8) were processed as in
panel c, except that the samples were reduced with DTT before
electrophoresis. In panels c and d, pIgR was detected by Western blot
with sheep anti-SC followed by secondary anti-sheep-HRP and ECL.