Figure 8.
Decrease in the β-catenin expression in fascin-transfected cells. Total cell lysates of parental LLC-PK1 (lane 1), mock-transfected LLC-PK1 (lane 2), and two clones (lane 3, clone 1; lane 4, clone 2) of fascin transfectants were immunoblotted with antibodies against fascin, β-catenin, or β-tubulin. Fascin antibody (55K-2) detected both endogenous pig fascin, as well as exogenous human fascin as indicated. Clones 1 and 2 express human fascin 12 times and 17 times more than the level of endogenous fascin. In contrast, β-catenin expression of clones 1 and 2 is decreased to 33% and 20%, respectively. Mock-transfected cells show no decrease in β-catenin expression. β-tubulin level was used as an internal control. H, Human fascin; P, pig fascin; β-Cat., β-catenin; β-Tub, β-tubulin.