Fig. 5.
Effects of virus-induced gene silencing of EcPDS on EcPDS transcript abundance. Total RNA was isolated from leaves of vegetative plants showing symptoms of silencing (lanes 1–13), from plants infected only with the pTRV2-E vector (lanes 14–16), and from untreated plants (lanes 17–19), and reverse transcribed as described in the experimental procedures. The abundance of endogenous EcPDS transcripts was visualized after 40 cycles of RT-PCR with EcPDS-specific primers (top). As a control, RT-PCR samples were carried out with primers specific to 18S ribosomal RNA (26 cycles, bottom). Numbers above the gel photos denote individual plants. Lanes 1–6 are from plants with complete photobleaching of emerging leaves, whereas lanes 7–13 are from plants with partial photobleaching.