Fig. 5.
Luminal permeability may impact junctional stability. (A) Cross-section of an AQP0 junction, showing two monomers per tetramer. (Inset) Two fiber cells with two junctions. The pressure difference across the entire channel is ΔP = P1 − P2 where P1 and P2 are the pressures in the two cells and P1 ≥ P2 (see SI Appendix). The finite cavity permeability causes a pressure difference of ΔPcav = P1,cav − P2,cav within the cavity. (B) Normalized cavity pressure difference ΔPcav/ΔP and the maximum cavity pressure P1,cav plotted as a function of the ratio of cavity to luminal permeabilities. Experimental pf values (in 10−15 cm3·s−1) for aquaporins 0–5 are listed (9).