Increased diapedesis of h2-calponin-free macrophages. The left panels show representative flow cytometry histograms of 72-h elicited peritoneal cells for the identification of macrophages (A) and granulocytes (B). The Mac-1+ population is indicated on the x axis (FITC) and the Gr-1 (phycoerythrin-Cy7) or F4/80 (allophycocyanin) is indicated on the y axis. Macrophages were identified by strong Mac1-positive, F4/80-positive, and Gr1-negative stains, whereas granulocytes were identified by strong Mac1-positive, F4/80-negative, and Gr1-positive stains. The upper right quadrant represents the double positive cells that represent macrophages (A) and granulocytes (B). The right panels show the summarized results in which the percent of 72-h elicited macrophages was significantly increased in h2-calponin knock-out (KO) mice compared with the wild type (WT) control (**, p < 0.01 in two-tail Student's t test) (A), whereas the percent of 72-h elicited granulocytes showed a corresponding decrease in h2-calponin knock-out mice than that in WT mice (B) (*, p < 0.05 in one-tail Student's t test). n = 7 mice in each experimental group except for n = 5 or the 72 h elicited h2-calponin knock-out group.