Figure 2.—
Neuropathology and immunohistochemistry for C57BL/6J (A, C, and E) and Mcp1−/− (B, D, and F) mice. The scale bar represents 50 μm for A and B and 2 mm for C–F. A and B are stained with hematoxylin and eosin and show evidence of spongiosis (vacuolation). Distribution of activated microglia is shown in C and D stained with polyclonal antibody Iba1. E and F are stained with monoclonal antibody ICSM-35 to show abnormal PrP deposition. PrP staining is diffuse in both strains. Schematic representation of PrP deposition in the brain is shown for C57BL/6J (G) and Mcp1−/− (H). Red represents areas of intense staining, dark pink areas of moderate staining, and light pink areas of light staining. For both strains, the cortex, hippocampus, and thalamus show intense staining (red) with light staining (light pink) in the cerebellum, brain stem, tectum, and basal ganglia. No significant differences are seen between the groups. Data for Mcp1−/+ mice not shown as results are indistinguishable from C7BL/6J and Mcp1−/−.