Trait | Abbreviation | Description |
1. Articulare | Ar | The intersection of the image of the posterior border of the ramus with the external surface of the basicranium |
2. Basion | Ba | The anterior margin of the foramen magnum |
3. Nasion | N | The intersection of the nasal and frontal bones |
4. Posterior nasal spine | PNS | The posterior point of the hard palate |
5. Prosthion | Pr | The anterior point of the premaxilla between the upper central incisors |
6. Sella | S | The pituitary fossa of the sphenoid bone |
7. Gonion | Goa | The external angle of the mandible |
8. Menton | Me | The most inferior point on the mandibular symphysis |
9. Gnathion | Gn | The lowest, most anterior point on the mandibular symphysis |
10. Posterior condylion | PCd | The point tangent to a perpendicular line extending from the S–N plane |
11. Infradentale | Id | The anterior point of the tip of the alveolar process of the mandible between the lower central incisors |
12. Point D | D | The center of the cross-section of the mandibular symphysis |
13. Pogonion | Pog | The most anterior point of the mandibular symphysis |
14. Pterygomaxillary fissure | PTMa | Teardrop-shaped area between maxilla and pterygoid process of the sphenoid |
15. Center of face | CFa | Posterior-most point of the pterygomaxillary fissure |
16. Orbitale | Ora | Inferior-most point of the orbit |
17. Porion | Poa | Superior margin of external auditory canal |
18. Frankfort horizontal | FHa | Plane defined by right and left porion and left orbitale |
19. Facial plane | FP | Line connecting nasion and pogonion |
20. Xnnn | Points defined along the endocranial surface of the neurocranium relative to the S–N plane (e.g., X100 is the point at which a line drawn 100° from the S–N plane intersects the endocranium) |
All points represent midline structures except where noted.
Points not on midline of the skull.