Fig. 8. Loss of Palisade or Cad99C results in relocalization of sV17, but not sV23, into the oocyte.
(A-D) Staining of sectioned Stage 14 egg chambers with anti-sV17 antibody (green). (A) OR (B) psd null (C) Cad99C null (D) sV23 null. (E-G) Staining of sectioned Stage 14 egg chambers with anti-sV23 antibody (green). (E) OR (F) psd null (G) Cad99C null. (H) Staining of a sectioned psd null Stage 10A egg chamber with anti-sV17 antibody. Counterstain in all panels is Texas Red-phalloidin (red). Bar equals 10 μm.