Equal numbers of Stage 14 egg chambers (14) or laid eggs (LE) were loaded in each lane, following extraction by boiling in Laemmli sample buffer with (+) or without (-) 100 mM DTT as indicated above the top row of panels. Blotting was with either anti-sV17 (top panels) or anti-sV23 (bottom panels), and positions of the major Stage 14 processed forms of sV17, sV23, and a cross-reacting material (CRM) are indicated at right. In wild-type (OR), sV17 and sV23 are only soluble in the Stage 14 egg chambers extracted with DTT, while psd null and Cad99C null show solubility of a ladder of partially cross-linked forms of these proteins in laid eggs. The psd null also shows persistence of incompletely processed forms in Stage 14 egg chambers (marked with asterisks), which together with a small amount of correctly processed sV23 fail to be disulfide cross-linked during oogenesis.