The transactivation of pAPRE-CAT expression by p20C/EBPβ. COS-1 cells were cotransfected with pMSV-C/EBPβ20-kDa and pAPRE-CAT expression vectors to determine whether expression of the 20-kDa C/EBPβ isoform could activate expression of pAPRE-CAT. A typical autoradiogram depicting chloramphenicol acetyl transferase activity in response to increasing expression of 20-kDa C/EBPβ is shown in the upper panel. Lane 1, the pSV2-CAT expression vector minus the APRE sequences; lane 2, pAPRE-CAT; lanes 3–5, pAPRE-CAT + 1, 2, and 3 μg of pMSV without the 20-kDa C/EBPβ sequences, respectively; lanes 6–8, pAPRE-CAT + 1, 2, and 3 μg of pMSV-C/EBPβ20-kDa, respectively. A presentation of the data from three separate experiments is shown in the lower panel.