Figure 3.
Effects of TXNIP deficiency on beta-cell mass and diabetes susceptibility. A–D) Whole pancreas insulin content (A), beta-cell mass (B), islet density (C), and islet size (D) in 9-month-old HcB-19 and control C3H mice. Bars represent means ± se of at least 4 mice/group. E, F) Representative pancreas sections of C3H (E) and HcB-19 mice (F) stained for insulin (blue). G, H) Immunofluorescent images of a C3H (G) and HcB-19 islet (H): red = insulin; green = glucagon/somatostatin; blue = nuclei/DAPI. I–K) B6 and BHcB mice received multiple low-dose STZ injections. Blood glucose levels and representative islets on day 18 after the initial STZ injection are shown; blue = insulin. Scale bars = 200 μm (E, F); 50 μm (G, H, J, K).