Figure 7. Deletion of ptc in NSCs results in rapid tumor formation.
Cerebellar sections from PtcC/C (A, C, E, G) and GFAP-Cre/PtcC/C (B, D, F, H) mice were harvested and stained with H&E (A–F) or photographed whole-mount (G–H) at E16-P21. Note the expansion of both the VZ and EGL at E16.5 (A–B) and the persistent expansion of the EGL at postnatal ages (C–F). The arrow in H points to a tumor that has formed in the cerebellum. The forebrain (asterisk) in these animals also appears enlarged; histological examination (not shown) indicates that this is due to expansion of the ventricle (perhaps due to occlusion of cerebrospinal fluid circulation) rather than to increased growth or tumorigenesis in the cortex. I. Survival curve for GFAP-Cre/PtcC/C mice. Scale bars: 20 μm (A and B); 100 μm (C and D); 300 μm (E and F); 2.5 mm (G and H).