Fig. 1.
Hippocampal activation and medial parietal deactivation during successful encoding in young and old adults. (A and B) SPM2 random effects analysis demonstrates that young (A) and old (B) adults activate the hippocampus bilaterally (P < 0.005 minimum threshold). (C) The medial parietal region (peak MNI coordinates x, y, z: −6, −75, 45) shows significantly greater deactivation during successful encoding for young adults than old adults. (D) Estimated hemodynamic responses for HC-hits (solid lines) and misses (dashed lines) demonstrate that old adults (blue) show similar MR responses to that of young adults (red) during HC-hits (solid lines) and misses trials (dashed lines) in the bilateral hippocampus but not in medial parietal region.