Electron microscopy of the internalization pathway
of bAMF. NIH-3T3 cells were pulsed with bAMF at 37°C for 10 (A, B,
and H) or 30 min (C, D, E, F, G, and I). The localization of bAMF was
revealed by postembedding labeling with 10-nm gold-conjugated
streptavidin. After 10 min, bAMF is localized to cell surface caveolae
(A and B). After a 30-min pulse, bAMF is localized to caveolae and
smooth vesicles (C and D) and also appears in intracellular membranous
tubules (E, F, and G) including distinctive smooth (E) and rough (F) ER
elements. bAMF labeling of dense lysosomal structures is also detected
(H and I). Bar, 0.1 μm.