Fig 2.
Splittings of C2-H2 and C5-H5 of the lactose galactose residue. (A) 6mM lactose, 0.3mM Galectin-3 (pH 6.8) in 3% C12E5/Hexanol bicelle preparation doped with 0.5mM DOGS-NTA ammonium salt (no chelating metal); (B) 6mM lactose (pH 6.8) in 3% C12E5/Hexanol bicelle preparationdopedwith0.5mM DOGS-NTA-Ni; (C) 6mM lactose, 0.3mM Galectin-3 (pH 6.8) in 3% C12E5/Hexanol bicelle preparation doped with 0.5mM DOGS-NTA-Ni.