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. 2003 Oct;41(10):4767–4778. doi: 10.1128/JCM.41.10.4767-4778.2003


Strains examineda

Original name CBS no. Statusb Other reference(s) GenBank no. Source Final identification
Exophiala sp. 109807 DH 12229 = Ej5 Attili AY163557 Fungemiac, Brazil E. oligosperma
M. oligospermus 265.49 AUT MUCL 9905 AY163555 Honey, France (5) E. oligosperma
Exophiala sp. DH 12700 = Tm 01.109-II Silicone solution, Netherlands E. oligosperma
Exophiala sp. DH 12701 = Tm 01.109-IIA Silicone solution, Netherlands E. oligosperma
E. jeanselmei 463.80 Scholer D-5014 AY163552 Prosthetic eye lense, Switzerland E. oligosperma
E. jeanselmei 715.76 UAMH 2627 = GHP 1406 Cedar wood of cooling tower, Canada E. oligosperma
Exophiala sp. IFM 5386 Unknown source E. oligosperma
Exophiala sp. DH 12896 Water, Germany E. oligosperma
Exophiala sp. DH 12713 = GHP 2097 Plastic foil, Germany E. oligosperma
Exophiala sp. DH 12586 = Mayr 131 Sauna, Austria E. oligosperma
Exophiala sp. 725.88 T AY163551 Sphenoid tumorc, female, Germany (38) E. oligosperma
Rhinocladiella sp. RKI 384 II/02 Skin lesionc, Germany E. oligosperma
Exophiala aff. spinifera DH 12578 Skin lesion of sharkc, Zoo Rotterdam, Netherlands E. oligosperma
E. jeanselmei 814.95 AY163549 Soil biofilter, Netherlands (6) E. oligosperma
Exophiala sp. DH 11646 = IWW 533 Swimming pool, Germany E. oligosperma
E. jeanselmei UTHSC 98-911 = Nucci 10 = dH 12909 Sinus drain (30, 31) E. oligosperma
Exophiala sp. DH 12589 = Mayr 192 Sauna, Austria E. oligosperma
Exophiala sp. DH 12587 = Mayr 141 Sauna, Austria E. oligosperma
Exophiala sp. DH 12585 = Mayr 130 Sauna, Austria E. oligosperma
Exophiala sp. IFM 41701 AY163548 Soil E. oligosperma
Exophiala sp. UTHSC 01-1637 AY231163 Olecranon Bursac, Texas (2) E. oligosperma
E. jeanselmei 835.95 AY163550 Mycetomac, Germany (29) E. oligosperma
E. jeanselmei DH 12841 Bronchoalveolar lavage, Netherlands E. oligosperma
R. aquaspersa 313.73 T ATCC 24410 = FMC 241 Chromomycosisc, Mexico (1) R. aquaspersa
R. atrovirens 109135 DH 11842 AY163558 Endoscope, Netherlands R. similis
R. atrovirens 111763 T DH 11329 = HC-1 AY040855 Foot lesionc, Brazil (Resende et al., Abstr. 14th ISHAM) R. similis
Unidentified AJ279469 R. similis
Exophiala sp. DH 12894 Water R. similis
Geniculosporium sp. 101460 T IFM 47593 AY163561 Subcutaneous lesionc, Japan (37) R. basitonum
E. nishimurae 101538 T AY163560 Contaminant (43) E. nishimurae
P. jeanselmei 528.76 ATCC 10224 Skinc, United Status
E. jeanselmei 507.90 = 664.76 T IHM 283 = ATCC 34123 = NCMH 1235 AF05027 Mycetomac, Martinique (19) E. jeanselmei
E. spinifera 109635 UTMB 2670 = UTHSC 86-72 Arm lesionc, Texas E. jeanselmei
E. jeanselmei 116.86 AY163556 Skin lesionc, Japan (28) E. jeanselmei
E. jeanselmei 677.76 IHM 1586 AY163553 Mycetomac, United Kingdom (27) E. jeanselmei
M. eumetabolus 264.49 AUT MUCL 9904 AY163554 Honey, France (3, 4) R. atrovirens
R. anceps 181.65 NT ATCC 18655 = IMI 134453 = MUCL 8233 Soil, Canada R. anceps

For data on strains of E. spinifera and E. exophialae, see De Hoog et al. (11). ATCC, American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, Va.; CBS, Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Utrecht, The Netherlands; DH, G. S. de Hoog private collection; IFM, Research Institute for Pathogenic Fungi, Chiba, Japan; IHM, Laboratory of Mycology, Faculty of Medicine, Montevideo Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene, Montevideo, Uruguay; IMI, International Mycological Institute, London, United Kingdom; IWW, Rheinisch Westfählisches Institut für Wasserforschung, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany; GHP, G. Haase private collection; MUCL, Mycotheque de l'Université de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium; NCMH, North Carolina Memorial Hospital, Chapel Hill, N.C.; RKI, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany; UAMH, Microfungus Herbarium and Collection, Edmonton, Canada; UTHSC, Fungus Testing Laboratory, Department of Pathology, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Tex.; UTMB, Medical Mycology Research Center, Galveston, Tex.; aff., with affinity to.


T, former type culture; NT, former neotype culture; AUT, authentic culture.


Confirmed etiological agent.

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