Strains examineda
Original name | CBS no. | Statusb | Other reference(s) | GenBank no. | Source | Final identification |
Exophiala sp. | 109807 | DH 12229 = Ej5 Attili | AY163557 | Fungemiac, Brazil | E. oligosperma | |
M. oligospermus | 265.49 | AUT | MUCL 9905 | AY163555 | Honey, France (5) | E. oligosperma |
AF050289 | ||||||
Exophiala sp. | DH 12700 = Tm 01.109-II | Silicone solution, Netherlands | E. oligosperma | |||
Exophiala sp. | DH 12701 = Tm 01.109-IIA | Silicone solution, Netherlands | E. oligosperma | |||
E. jeanselmei | 463.80 | Scholer D-5014 | AY163552 | Prosthetic eye lense, Switzerland | E. oligosperma | |
E. jeanselmei | 715.76 | UAMH 2627 = GHP 1406 | Cedar wood of cooling tower, Canada | E. oligosperma | ||
Exophiala sp. | IFM 5386 | Unknown source | E. oligosperma | |||
Exophiala sp. | DH 12896 | Water, Germany | E. oligosperma | |||
Exophiala sp. | DH 12713 = GHP 2097 | Plastic foil, Germany | E. oligosperma | |||
Exophiala sp. | DH 12586 = Mayr 131 | Sauna, Austria | E. oligosperma | |||
Exophiala sp. | 725.88 | T | AY163551 | Sphenoid tumorc, female, Germany (38) | E. oligosperma | |
Rhinocladiella sp. | RKI 384 II/02 | Skin lesionc, Germany | E. oligosperma | |||
Exophiala aff. spinifera | DH 12578 | Skin lesion of sharkc, Zoo Rotterdam, Netherlands | E. oligosperma | |||
E. jeanselmei | 814.95 | AY163549 | Soil biofilter, Netherlands (6) | E. oligosperma | ||
Exophiala sp. | DH 11646 = IWW 533 | Swimming pool, Germany | E. oligosperma | |||
E. jeanselmei | UTHSC 98-911 = Nucci 10 = dH 12909 | Sinus drain (30, 31) | E. oligosperma | |||
Exophiala sp. | DH 12589 = Mayr 192 | Sauna, Austria | E. oligosperma | |||
Exophiala sp. | DH 12587 = Mayr 141 | Sauna, Austria | E. oligosperma | |||
Exophiala sp. | DH 12585 = Mayr 130 | Sauna, Austria | E. oligosperma | |||
Exophiala sp. | IFM 41701 | AY163548 | Soil | E. oligosperma | ||
Exophiala sp. | UTHSC 01-1637 | AY231163 | Olecranon Bursac, Texas (2) | E. oligosperma | ||
E. jeanselmei | 835.95 | AY163550 | Mycetomac, Germany (29) | E. oligosperma | ||
E. jeanselmei | DH 12841 | Bronchoalveolar lavage, Netherlands | E. oligosperma | |||
R. aquaspersa | 313.73 | T | ATCC 24410 = FMC 241 | Chromomycosisc, Mexico (1) | R. aquaspersa | |
R. atrovirens | 109135 | DH 11842 | AY163558 | Endoscope, Netherlands | R. similis | |
R. atrovirens | 111763 | T | DH 11329 = HC-1 | AY040855 | Foot lesionc, Brazil (Resende et al., Abstr. 14th ISHAM) | R. similis |
Unidentified | AJ279469 | R. similis | ||||
Exophiala sp. | DH 12894 | Water | R. similis | |||
Geniculosporium sp. | 101460 | T | IFM 47593 | AY163561 | Subcutaneous lesionc, Japan (37) | R. basitonum |
E. nishimurae | 101538 | T | AY163560 | Contaminant (43) | E. nishimurae | |
P. jeanselmei | 528.76 | ATCC 10224 | Skinc, United Status | |||
E. jeanselmei | 507.90 = 664.76 | T | IHM 283 = ATCC 34123 = NCMH 1235 | AF05027 | Mycetomac, Martinique (19) | E. jeanselmei |
E. spinifera | 109635 | UTMB 2670 = UTHSC 86-72 | Arm lesionc, Texas | E. jeanselmei | ||
E. jeanselmei | 116.86 | AY163556 | Skin lesionc, Japan (28) | E. jeanselmei | ||
E. jeanselmei | 677.76 | IHM 1586 | AY163553 | Mycetomac, United Kingdom (27) | E. jeanselmei | |
M. eumetabolus | 264.49 | AUT | MUCL 9904 | AY163554 | Honey, France (3, 4) | R. atrovirens |
R. anceps | 181.65 | NT | ATCC 18655 = IMI 134453 = MUCL 8233 | Soil, Canada | R. anceps |
For data on strains of E. spinifera and E. exophialae, see De Hoog et al. (11). ATCC, American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, Va.; CBS, Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Utrecht, The Netherlands; DH, G. S. de Hoog private collection; IFM, Research Institute for Pathogenic Fungi, Chiba, Japan; IHM, Laboratory of Mycology, Faculty of Medicine, Montevideo Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene, Montevideo, Uruguay; IMI, International Mycological Institute, London, United Kingdom; IWW, Rheinisch Westfählisches Institut für Wasserforschung, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany; GHP, G. Haase private collection; MUCL, Mycotheque de l'Université de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium; NCMH, North Carolina Memorial Hospital, Chapel Hill, N.C.; RKI, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany; UAMH, Microfungus Herbarium and Collection, Edmonton, Canada; UTHSC, Fungus Testing Laboratory, Department of Pathology, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Tex.; UTMB, Medical Mycology Research Center, Galveston, Tex.; aff., with affinity to.
T, former type culture; NT, former neotype culture; AUT, authentic culture.
Confirmed etiological agent.