Fig. 3.
PCR analyses of the Zfy polymorphism. Lane S, 100 bp ladder. Lane 1, B6.YTIR mother. Lane 2, (B6.DBA)F1.XY father. Lane 3 and 4, male pups from the reconstructed oocytes which carried the karyoplast from XX oocytes. Lane 5, a female pup from the reconstructed oocyte which carried the karyoplast from an XY oocyte. Lane 6–9, male pups from the reconstructed oocytes which carried the karyoplast from XY oocytes. The ratio of 618 bp band intensity against 600 bp band intensity is near 1.0 in lanes 2, 3, 4, and 8 whereas it is 2.6 in lane 6, suggesting the presence of both YTIR and YDBA chromosomes in this sample.