Inhibition of TNF-α-induced chromatin events in SET7/9
knockdown THP-1 cells. Wild type (CON) or SET7/9 stable knockdown
THP-1 cells (SI) were treated with or without TNF-α for the
indicated time periods, and ChIP assays were performed with anti-p65,
anti-SET7/9, anti-H3K4-monomethyation, anti-H3K4-trimethylation, or anti-p300
antibodies. ChIP-enriched samples were analyzed by regular PCR using
MCP-1 (A) and TNF-α (B) promoter
primers. Specific locations of MCP-1 promoter primers are shown in
supplemental Fig. 1. Data are representative of three separate experiments.
B, real time QPCRs with ChIP-enriched DNA using MCP-1
promoter primers showing significant changes and confirmation of data in
A and C (*, p < 0.005 SI +
TNF-α for 1 h versus CON + TNF-α for 1 h, n =