Molecular characteristics and resistance of MRSA isolates
MLVF type(s) (no. of isolates studied, no. of subtypes) | PFGE type (no. of isolates studied, no. of subtypes) | ST(s) (no. of isolates studied) | SCCmec type(s)/subtype(s) (no. of isolates studied) | CCa | agr group (no. of isolates studied) | Previous clone name(s) (current ST and SCCmec nomenclature) | Antimicrobial resistanceb,c | Sourced (no. of isolates) | Hospital warde (no. of isolates) | No. of centers/no. of cities from which the strains were isolated |
B (110, 15) | B (23, 15) | 239 and 585f (17) | III (20); IIIA (58); IIIC (19); IIID (13) | CC8 | I (110) | Hungarian (ST239/585; III/IIIA/IIIC/IIID) | ERY, CLI, GEN, SXT, TZP, TET | w (69), rts (21), b (28) un (2) | surf (75), ICU (25), int. med (4), neu (2), dc (2), ha, un | 28/21 |
B (3, 2) | K (2, 2) | 239 (2) | IIIA; IIIC (2) | CC8 | I (3) | Polish (ST239; IIIA/IIIC) | ERY, CLI, GEN, TET | w (1), rts (1), b (1) | sur, ICU (2) | 2/2 |
C (2, 2) | W (2, 1) | 239 (1) | I (2) | CC8 | I (2) | (ST239; I)g,h | ERY, CLI, GEN, RIF, SXT, TET | w (2) | sur (2) | 2/2 |
X (2, 1) | X (1) | 239 (1) | II (2) | CC8 | I (2) | (ST239; II)g,h | ERY, CLI, TET | rts (1), un (1) | sur, un | 2/2 |
F (1); G (23, 6) | D (7, 6) | 247 (6) | IA (4); IB (20) | CC8 | I (24) | Iberian (ST247; IA/IB) | ERY, CLI GEN, RIF, SXT, TET | w (14), rts (7), b (3) | sur (17), ICU (7), | 12/8 |
F (1); L (6,3) | D (4, 2) | 8 (2) | IB (7) | CC8 | I (7) | (ST8; IB)g,h | ERY, CLI | w (3), rts (3), b (1) | sur (3), ICU (2), ha (2) | 6/4 |
G (1) | F (1) | 8 (1) | IV (1) | CC8 | I (1) | EMRSA-2, EMRSA-6, Irish-2 (ST8; IV)h | ERY, CLI, GEN, TET | rts (1) | ICU | 1/1 |
H (5, 2) | H (2, 1) | 8 (1) | II (5) | CC8 | II (5) | Irish-1 (ST8; II)h | ERY, CLI, TET | w (2), rts (3) | sur (3), ICU (2) | 4/4 |
I (5, 1) | I (1) | 225f (1) | II (5) | CC5 | II (5) | Rhine Hesse subclone (ST225; II)g,h | ERY, CLI | w (3), b (2) | sur (3), ICU, ha | 4/4 |
E (8, 1); S (1) | F (2, 2) | 225f (2) | IV (9) | CC5 | II (9) | (ST225; IV)g,h | ERY, CLI | w (4), rts (1), b (4) | sur (6), ICU, ha (2) | 5/2 |
U (5, 1) | U (1) | 496f (1) | II (5) | CC5 | II (5) | (ST496; II)g,h | ERY, CLI, SXT, | w (1), b (4) | sur (3), ICU (2), | 1/1 |
O (2, 1) | O (1) | 496f (1) | IIIC (2) | CC5 | II (2) | (ST496; IIIC)g,h | ERY, CLI | b (1), cf (1) | sur, ICU | 1/1 |
D (3, 2) | Z (2, 2) | 228f (2) | I (3) | CC5 | II (3) | Southern Germany (ST228; I)h | ERY, CLI, GEN, RIF, SXT, TET | w (2), rts (1) | sur,(2) | 2/2 |
D (3, 1) | P (1) | 5 (1) | III (3) | CC5 | II (3) | (ST5; III)g,h | ERY, CLI, GEN | b (2), rts (1) | sur (2), ICU | 2/2 |
A (21, 4) | A (4, 1) | 45 (1) | IV (21) | CC45 | I (21) | Berlin (ST45; IV) | w (16), b (2), rts (2), bjs (1) | sur (14), ICU (3), ha (3), dc | 12/8 | |
Y (1) | Y (1) | 45 (1) | II (1) | CC45 | I (1) | (ST45; II)g,h | ERY, CLI | w (1) | sur | 1/1 |
J (5, 3) | J (3, 2) | 338f (5) | Vi (5) | CC59 | I (5) | CA-MRSA (ST338; V)g,h,i | ERY, CLI, GEN, SXT | w (4), b (1) | sur (3), gyn, int. med | 2/2 |
CCs are based on previous works.
Antimicrobial abbreviations: ERY, erythromycin; CLI, clindamycin; GEN, gentamicin; RIF, rifampin; SXT, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole; TZP, quinupristin-dalfopristin; and TET, tetracycline.
Antimicrobial resistance patterns are shown only if they were observed in more than 50% of the isolates of the clone tested.
Abbreviations: w, wound; rts, respiratory tract specimen; b, blood; cf, cerebrospinal fluid; bjs, bone and joint specimen; and un, unknown.
Abbreviations: int. med, internal medicine ward; sur, surgery; ha, hematology; dc, dialysis center; gyn, gynecology; neu, neurology; and un, unknown.
New ST in Poland.
No previous clone name.
New clone in Poland.
New SCCmec type in Poland.