Analysis of ena mutant alleles.
Single-embryo Western blot analysis of heterozygous ena
mutant stocks. Embryos were collected for 2 h and then aged 5
h. Single embryos were picked and lysed in sample buffer and Western
blotted. For the enaGC8 chromosomal inversion, 25% of
the embryos were null for Ena protein (top panel, lanes 1, 5, and 9).
This blot was stripped and reprobed with an anti-fax antibody to
demonstrate the presence of embryonic proteins in all 12 lanes. The
ena 23 allele appears to encode an Ena protein with a
small truncation, because 25% of the embryos encode only a smaller
protein (small arrow) of ∼80 kDa (middle panel, lanes 3, 9, and 12),
and 50% of the embryos encode both full-length Ena (large arrow) and
the truncated protein. The ena 210 allele appears to
encode a full-length protein, because all embryos picked express
full-length Ena.