The C. neoformans Crg2 protein regulates mating in a manner different from that of Crg1. The Δcrg2, Δcrg2 Δgpa2, Δcrg2 Δgpa3, Δcrg2 Δgpa2 Δgpa3, Δcrg2 Δcpk1, Δcrg2 Δgpa1, Δcrg2 pka1, Δcrg2 Δgpa1 GPA1(Q284L), and Δgpa1 GPA1(Q284L) mutant strains were crossed with a MATa Δcrg1 strain on V8 agar plates and incubated in the dark at room temperature for 1 week. Cross with the Δcrg2 mutant resulted in elongated and profusely branched dikaryotic filaments (hyperfilaments [18]). The wild-type (WT) strain H99, Δgpa1, Δgpa2, Δgpa3, and Δgpa2 Δgpa3 mutant strains were included as controls. The assay was repeated multiple times with representative sections shown.