Figure 1. Foxp1 is selectively expressed by developing LMC and PGC MNs and distinguishes these cells from MMCm and MMCl MNs.
(A-O) Antibody costaining analysis of Foxp1 and LIM-HD protein expression in the developing mouse spinal cord.
(P-Q) HRP injections into ventral (P) or dorsal (Q) limb muscles at e13.5 confirms that Foxp1 is present in both LMC MN populations.
(R-T) Foxp1 expression in the e12.5 rostral brachial spinal cord coincides with the expression of the LMC markers Raldh2 and Lhx1 but not SCIP, which is expressed by MMCm and MMCl MNs.
(U) Foxp1 expression in the e12.5 thoracic spinal cord coincides with the PGC MN marker nNOS. Ventrolateral quadrants of the spinal cord are shown in all images. Scale bars = 50 μm.