Fig. 1.
T cells prolong survival. (A) mSOD1G93A/PU.1−/− mice on a B6/SJL genetic background receiving CCR2−/− BMT have a shorter survival time (133 ± 2 days, n = 10) than mSOD1G93A/PU.1−/− mice after WT BMT (141 ± 3 days, n = 12), and were similar to mSOD1G93A/PU.1+/− littermates (133 ± 2 days, n = 12; data not shown for clarity) and mSOD1G93A/PU.1−/− mice with mSOD1G93A BMT (130 ± 2 days, n = 12). (B) Disease duration was attenuated in mSOD1G93A/PU.1−/− mice receiving CCR2−/− BMT. Data for mSOD1G93A/PU.1+/− mice were eliminated for clarity but were similar to mSOD1G93A/PU.1−/− mice with mSOD1G93A BMT (P = 0.55). (C) CD11b immunohistochemistry of morphologically activated microglia at end-stage disease in mSOD1G93A/PU.1+/− mice. (D) Following BMT with CCR2−/− donor-derived cells, the CD11b signal from microglia of mSOD1G93A/PU.1−/− was reduced. (E) CD3+ T cells were observed in mSOD1G93A/PU.1+/− mice. (F) CD3+ T cells were absent in mSOD1G93A/PU.1−/− mice receiving CCR2−/− BMT. (G) Survival times were shorter in mSOD1G93A/RAG2−/− mice, on a C57BL/6 genetic background, lacking functional T and B cells (145 ± 2 days, n = 14) than in mSOD1G93A/RAG2+/− littermates (161 ± 2 days, n = 13), but were prolonged following BMT (mSOD1G93A: 164 ± 3 days, n = 10; WT: 161 ± 2 days, n = 10). RAG2−/− BMT did not increase survival (148 ± 2 days, n = 10). Survival of mSOD1G93A/RAG2+/− mice were similar to mSOD1G93A/RAG2+/+ (160 ± 3 days, n = 20, P = 0.61). (H) Disease duration was shorter in mSOD1G93A/RAG2−/− mice than mSOD1G93A/RAG2+/− littermates, but was prolonged following BMT. (I) Disease progression in mSOD1G93A/RAG2−/− mice lacked the 4-week plateau of mSOD1G93A/RAG2+/− mice and was re-established after mSOD1G93A BMT. *, Not different from mSOD1G93A/PU.1−/− mice with mSOD1G93A BMT; ‡different from mSOD1G93A/PU.1−/− mice with WT BMT; +different from mSODG93A/RAG2+/−; #, not different from mSODG93A/RAG2−/−. (Scale bars: C and D, 100 μm; E and F, 50 μm.)