(A) Effects of graded concentrations of SP on
desensitization of SP-induced Ca2+ mobilization in
myenteric neurons. Neurons were exposed to graded concentrations of SP
or carrier (control) for 5 min, washed, and then challenged with 100 nM
SP 10 min later. The maximal increase in the 340:380 nm fluorescence
ratio to the second SP exposure was determined. (B) Time course for
resensitization of SP-induced Ca2+ mobilization. Neurons
were exposed to 100 nM SP or carrier (control) for 5 min, washed, and
then challenged with 100 nM SP 10, 20, or 30 min later. The maximal
increase in the 340:380 nm fluorescence ratio to the second SP exposure
was determined. Results are the mean ± SE of measurements from
n = >100 neurons, and observations were repeated on at least
three different coverslips at each agonist concentration.