Fig. 1.
Visual stimulus paradigm for imaging ocular dominance of cortical responses. (A) Monitor placement and stimulus patterns used to stimulate both ipsilateral and contralateral eyes for imaging OD. The monitor (40 cm × 30 cm) was placed 25 cm in front of the mouse, with its midline (defined as 0 deg, marked by a cross) aligned to the midline of the animal. Drifting thin bars (2 deg wide, spatial frequency of 1 cycle/80 deg, and temporal frequency of 1 cycle/6-8 s) were displayed in the binocular visual field (marked by dotted lines, -5 deg to 15 deg on the monitor) to assess OD. (B) Iso-azimuth (Solid lines) and iso-elevation (dashed lines) obtained from full-screen stimulation through the contralateral eye. The spacing of the contour lines is 2.5 deg. The scale bar applies to C and D as well. (C) Cortical response magnitude to the restricted stimuli through the ipsilateral eye (left eye). (D) Response through the contralateral eye. The gray scale shown to the right is used to visualize the response magnitude as fractional change in reflection ×104.