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. 2008 Jul 18;95(8):3724–3737. doi: 10.1529/biophysj.108.137349


Comparison of bidomain to AsymDM AP waveshapes

fe Model Extra bias θ (cm/s) (φm)max (mV) (∂φm/∂t)max (mV/ms) τfoot (μs)
0.25 Bidomain 56.8 22 246 218
0.25 Symmetric DM 1:1 Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic
0.25 Asymmetric DM 1:10 Inline graphic Inline graphic +2% −1% +1%
1:50 −2% −2% +10% −3% +5%
1:250 −4% +1% −4% +34% −14% +18%
1:500 −4% +19% −3% +40% −20% +25%
1:1000 −1% +36% +1% +31% −25% +27 +29%
0.10 Bidomain 49.4 22 244 217
0.10 SymDM 1:1 Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic Inline graphic
0.10 AsymDM 1 1:10 −1% −1% +5% −2% +2%
AsymDM 2 1:50 −3% −2% −4% +21% −8% +10%
AsymDM 3 1:250 −3% +25% −1% +37% −22% +26%
AsymDM 4 1:500 +1% +41% +1% +18% −24% +28%

Table shows the percent change in AP characteristics from AsymDM models with a nonuniform distribution of extracellular space compared to the equivalent bidomain representation (Inline graphic). The two percentages correspond to divergent values of the confined membrane and the nonconfined membrane (bold values). If only one percentage is given, the measured values for the pair were nearly equivalent.