Dyn 3-GFP forms expressed in Clone 9 cells
distribute diffusely to the cytoplasm or to unidentified vesicular
structures. Fluorescence images of Dyn 3(baa)-GFP-transfected cells
reveal a prominent population of brightly labeled vesicles, which did
not colocalize with clathrin (a–a") at either the plasma membrane
(boxes) or the Golgi apparatus (arrows). These dynamin-associated
vesicles did not colocalize with endocytosed dextran (boxed regions),
suggesting they are not late endocytic compartments (b–b"). In
contrast, cells expressing Dyn 3(aaa)-GFP [a form differing from Dyn
3(baa) by only a 10-amino-acid insertion at the first splicing region]
showed only a diffuse cytoplasmic fluorescence with a slight
association with the Golgi apparatus, as demonstrated by costaining
with an antibody to clathrin (c–c"). Bar, 10 μm.