Figure 4.
α-Thrombin hydrolysis of Sar-Pro-Arg-pNA in the absence or presence of PAR4-wt or mutant exodomain. α-Thrombin (0.5 nM) was added to Sar-Pro-Arg-pNA (70-1400 μM) in the absence (●) or presence of 50 (
), 100 (▼), 120 (∇) or 200 (○) μM PAR4-wt (A), PAR4-L43A (B), PAR4-P44A (C), or PAR4-P46A (D). Initial velocities data were fit to 8 models of enzyme inhibition using a global analysis nonlinear least squares regression analysis to determine the Ki and the type of inhibition (see Methods). Double reciprocal plots (insets) are shown only for graphical representation of the model and were not used to determine the Ki or type of inhibition.