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. 2008 May 22;149(9):4596–4604. doi: 10.1210/en.2008-0403

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Total number and distribution of GnRH neurons in the brain in WT and HET mice. GnRH neurons were immunostained and counted in coronal sections of adult male WT and HET mice (n = 4). A, Total hypothalamic GnRH neurons in WT and HET forebrains. B, Rostral to caudal distribution of GnRH neurons aligned at the OVLT and plotted as GnRH neurons per section in coronal series of 40-μm sections. No significant differences in GnRH neuron distribution were found. C–F, Immunocytochemistry of GnRH neurons at the OVLT in WT (C) and HET (D) and GnRH immunoreactive nerve terminals at the median eminence (ME) in WT (E) and HET (F). Bar, 100 μm. G, Illustrations of views of mouse brain to indicate planes of section of OVLT and ME and details of coronal sections presented in C–F (dark boxes). [Images redrawn with permission from G. Paxinos and K. B. J. Franklin: The Mouse Brain in Sterotaxic Coordinates, Elsevier, St. Louis, 2001 (55).]